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Recreation, Sports And Games


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Open Chess with McHenry County Chess Club »

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Class ID: 11031

Start date: 05/23/25

Location: Exner Marsh - M.C.C.D. Location : 
  Exner Marsh - M.C.C.D..

Fri 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (5/23/2025)

Contact Hours:1.50

Fee: $5.00

Instructor : Nate Szkil 

Class ID: 11030

Start date: 04/25/25

Location: Kishwaukee Headwaters M.C.C.D Location : 
  Kishwaukee Headwaters M.C.C.D.

Fri 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (4/25/2025)

Contact Hours:1.50

Fee: $5.00

Instructor : Nate Szkil 

Class ID: 11032

Start date: 06/27/25

Location: Lyons Prairie and Marsh M.C.C.D. Location : 
  Lyons Prairie and Marsh M.C.C.D..

Fri 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (6/27/2025)

Contact Hours:1.50

Fee: $5.00

Instructor : Nate Szkil